“Prayer is communication from one’s heart to God.” -Anne Lamont
From 21 Days of Prayer to Change Your Life by Angela Montano
Prayer is deepest spiritual instinct and our greatest technology.
Prayer is a spiritual practice that has existed long before religions were formed. It is the language of our hearts.
Our simple practice is to say HELP (Hello Eternal Loving Presence). Acknowledgement of a need. Put hand over heart, close eyes and deeply connect to the request for help from “that which is too vast to be named.” Being open to possibility of support.
Being held in love by a Greater Wholeness. Allow my life to be held by a Love greater than our thinking. I am open to this Love now. Held in Love by a love greater than our thinking. This love is overflowing always.
News is a prayer list. Pray even as you hear about the news. Imagine Love is there. Turn it over to the Love.
When you are prayed up, you are vibrationally aligned with prayer. And you are blessed all day long and available to bless others.
Focusing our attention on our breath, we take this moment to turn within to the wholeness, to the love, to the peace that constitutes our true life in spirit in love. Guide us to wisdom. We come together that we may ground and anchor in our awareness of who we are in our wholeness. I am so grateful for this session. I accept that it is deeply and powerfully blessed through the Living Grace of the Universe. So be it. And so it is. Amen. Amen. Amen.