From Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza
When you have a thought or memory, a biochemical reaction begin in brain and release certain chemicals which make your body feel the way you were thinking which generate more thoughts equal to your feeling, then release more chemicals to make you feel the way you’ve been thinking. Then you get caught in a loop where thinking creates feeling and feeling creates thinking, which becomes your state of being,
Then your entire state of being is in the past.
We should get up as if our prayer has already been answered. The problem is our senses fool us into separation. A person says, I want to be healed, healthy and wealthy. And they imagine it and come back and it’s not there. And when they see it’s not there, the thought of their future is the emotion of lack or separation. Thoughts are language of brain and feelings are language of body. Now you have mind and body in opposition.
When you begin to create from the field, instead of matter, you have to learn to take all your attention off your body and become a no body. Take all of your attention off of the people in your life that you give attention and energy to because you have emotional association with them.
Nitric Oxide
Oxytocin signals nitric oxide, which signals endothelial derived relaxant factor, which signals arteries in your heart to literally expand. When they expand, you’re getting more blood flow and a person’s heart is wide open.
Heart-Brain Coherence
The more you live in heart-brain coherence, you feel more whole. The more whole you feel, the less you live in lack. How can you want many things if you feel whole? It feels like you already have them.