Grounding Archives - Interiors For Healing Deep thoughts about the holistic, unified approach to wellness Thu, 26 Nov 2020 22:23:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Can barefoot breaks cure body aches? Thu, 26 Nov 2020 22:23:34 +0000 Wow, who knew that synthetic soled shoes would cause us to lose direct connection with our planet. 95% of us walk insulated on the earth. But for most of human history, we evolved with direct connection to dirt, sand, water – our natural world. We evolved barefoot, sleeping on the ground. The Earthing Movie shows...

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The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding
(watch the full documentary on Youtube)

Wow, who knew that synthetic soled shoes would cause us to lose direct connection with our planet. 95% of us walk insulated on the earth. But for most of human history, we evolved with direct connection to dirt, sand, water – our natural world. We evolved barefoot, sleeping on the ground. The Earthing Movie shows that the unintended consequence of shoes led to the proliferation of chronic inflammation.

Clint Ober, one of the authors of Earthing, worked in the developing cable tv industry in early 1960s. Cable had to be grounded to maintain the system in a stable electrical environment. Since there are miles of hanging cable, there needs to be a path to the ground for lightning to be neutralized. He wondered if humans needed to be grounded and if shoes interfered with this process.

What holds everything together is electromagnetism. When the sun’s energy hits the earth, it splits into positive and negative electrons. The positive stays up in the ionosphere 60 miles up, and the negative charge comes down to earth, mainly in the form of lightning. So when you’re standing barefoot on the earth, your body is absorbing the electrons that came from the sun.

The mass production of synthetic shoes interfered with the transfer of earth’s electrons once abundantly absorbed by our feet. This electron deficiency lead to a state of electrical imbalance, amplified by the immense electric and radio signals in our modern world. Tremendous amounts of electromagnetic radiation from our devices are absorbed into our bodies. Because we lost contact with the earth, we are not grounded. The electrical charges from our technology builds up as static. Some people have as many as 20 volts inside.

It turns out that when white blood cells remove a damaged cell, free radicals are released while ripping electrons from damaged cells. Without the electrons from the earth to pair with, these free radicals then bind to electrons of surrounding healthy cells. More white blood cells are released to fix that damaged cell. A chain reaction is set in motion and becomes chronic inflammation.

Standing barefoot on the ground for 15 min charges up our negative electron stores. By reconnecting with the earth, the direct contact grounds us, and the toxic effects of too much electromagnetic radiation is neutralized. When we connect to earth through conductive surface, there is a transfer of electrons from the earth. These electrons then coat red blood cells so they repel each other and don’t clump up. Blood viscosity goes down, it’s easier for the heart to pump blood, and blood pressure goes down. Having regular barefoot breaks will lead to many long term health benefits and help to neutralize chronic inflammation.

The post Can barefoot breaks cure body aches? appeared first on Interiors For Healing.
